Top 20 Reasons Why Sisters Are the Best Friends .

A best friend is a wonderful gift in life, but sisters have an unrivaled bond. Even when the world appears to be conspiring against you, your sister is always there for you to lean on. She's seen you grow up, be there for all your triumphs, and witness your awkward stage.


Here Is A Useful Gift For Sister


Here are the top 20 reasons your sister hits the top of your best friends list:


1. You can confide in her about family matters. She is already aware of and understands the pain.
2. She'll be there no matter what—even if the two of you were just fighting the day before.
3. She's known you the longest of anyone.
4. She doesn't pass judgment on you because she understands what you've been through.
5. You don't have to explain your reasoning to her; she already understands.
6. If she's older, she can show you her mistakes so you don't make the same ones.
7. If she's younger, she'll probably look up to you, so you'll have someone cheering you on in all your endeavors.
8. She is there to help you when you need it.
9. She is present even when you believe you do not require assistance (but she knows that you do).
10. When you're about to commit a fashion faux pas, she'll let you know.

11. She understands when you require advice and when you simply require someone to listen.
12. You don't have to tell her about your family's peculiar quirks.
13. The best inside jokes are always with your sister.
14. You won't have to worry about her going after your boyfriend (and she'll probably tell off any other "friend" of yours who does).
15. She knows all of the songs you secretly enjoy but don't tell anyone about, so turn it up and belt it out in the car with her.
16. Even if you've only communicated via text, she can tell when something is wrong.
17. You don’t mind if she borrows your clothes. You know where to go to get them back.
18. When you're having problems with your other friends, you go to her.
19. She doesn't care how many times you've seen The Notebook together. She'll watch it with you again.
20 . She's been by my side through every breakup


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